Monday, 10 October 2011

The adventure

For all of the past 6 months I've been planning the little adventure of mine which will take me from Singapore, through Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, China and Burma.

Through my previous riding trips, I've learnt that slow and steady is the way to go. A small and simple bike will be my best companion for this trip.

Route planning has not been simple at all even though I will be traveling alone.
The limitless combination of routes and attractions as well as the current flooding situation has made me changed my plans on countless occasions.

Therefore, it's been decided that that best plan is a flexible plan.

April 2011 - Made up my mind to go
June 2011 - Bought XR125 to learn
Sept 2011 - Tendered resignation
Oct 2011 - Left my job and I'm ready

Will try to provide updates whenever possible (if there's wifi)

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