Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Day 1 - Singapore to Ipoh

Left my house to start the boring journey on the NSHW towards Ipoh at 7am. Traveling at 75km/h on the highway is no joke.

Lady luck was smiling on me and I did not have to put on my rain coat today.

However, there were a couple of hiccups along the way:

1) Just outside Ayer Keroh R&R, my bike's engine suddenly stalled and I couldn't start it again. (crank w/o sparking) Semi stripped the bike to check all the electrical points and changed fuse but to no avail. Oh I thought this was it! Must be the bike's CDI kaput! @_@

Out of the blue, I saw that the engine kill switch was at the off position. After switching it back to the on position, the engine roared to life. Phew! What a boo boo -_- Wasted 30 mins.

Reason: I must have accidentally touch the switch as I was fiddling with my home made throttle control..

2) Whilst resting at Denkil R&R, I found a 4 cm nail on my rear tyre. Luckily again, it did not cause a puncture and I removed it before it caused any real damage.

The expected dull day was quite 'exciting' after all. Kept my spirits up, maintained ride discipline and checked in to Abby hotel in Ipoh at about 6pm. Simple hotel with clean bedding and wifi access.

Had a simple dinner nearby before turning in to rest for the night at 8.30pm. Will be meeting Stanley in Hatyai tomorrow. Looking forward to BBQ steamboat dinner.

Expenses for the day:
Hotel - RM60
Petrol - RM 32
F&B - RM30
Entertainment - Nil

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